Tag Archives: hate

I guess it REALLY is a small world after all

I’m sure most of you are aware of the vast esoteric root system the Disney corporation has deeply embedded in our American society, but are you aware of how Disney is being used to further indoctrinate and poison the minds of innocent children in other countries? While randomly ‘googling’ through Youtube the other day, I came across this very educational video. Mind you, I am not using the word ‘educational’ loosely or sarcastically, but by its definition. The following video is from Tomorrow’s Pioneers . It is a weekly Palestinian children’s program on the official Hamas television station, Al-Aqsa TV. The show deals with Islamist traditions and lifestyles; some as innocuous as the importance of daily prayers and drinking milk to, according to the Palestinian Media Watch, more radical messages of indoctrinating the young viewers with teachings of Islamic supremacy, hatred of Israel and the United States, and support of ‘resistance’.

I’m not going to even attempt to dissect and and decipher the Muslim idealism in this clip, but would like to bring to your attention some of the key words or phrases which have been brought up.

Notice how the very first thing ‘Mickey’ says:


Let’s start by defining what a ‘CORNERSTONE‘ is. I’m sure it’s self explanitory, but just endulge me a little.

CORNERSTONE – vital person or thing: somebody or something fundamentally important

Ok, with that in our back pocket, we can understand the very first line from this clip to be saying:

“We are setting with you somebody or something fundamentally important for world leadership under Islamic leadership.”

Now, with that in mind, let’s break down the word FUNDAMENTAL(LY).

FUNDAMENTAL – relating to or affecting the underlying principles or structure of something

You know the drill!

We are setting with you somebody or something relating to or affecting the underlying principles or structure of something important for world leadership under Islamic leadership.

I know this could be taken as something being ‘read into’, but as you can see, we didn’t read into anything, merely broke down exactly what was being said for clarification. See how much information we gained from having a better understanding of just one word? And this is just the first sentence from the clip!

And with that, we move on.

Now, let’s look at something else interesting ‘Mickey’ says.

“We will win Bush! We will win, Sharon! Ah, Sharon’s dead. We will win Mofaz! Mofaz left. We will win, Olmert! We will win! We will win, Condoleeza! “

Keep in mind, this video aired 2007, which is why Bush is being mentioned.

I had to check out exactly who ‘Mickey’ was speaking in regards to, and here is the listing:

George W. Bush, 43rd U.S. President

Ariel Sharon, 11th Prime Minister of Israel

Shaul Mofaz, an Israeli politician and former soldier who currently serves as a member of the Knesset for Kadima


Ehud Olmert, 12th Prime Minister of Israel


Condoleezza Rice, 66th United States Secretary of State

As you can see, these are some pretty important people ‘Mickey’ is going off about. Keep in mind, this was filmed in 2007, which is why they are the focal point of this rant. And let’s not forget this is a CHILDREN’S SHOW!!!!! This wasn’t something from CNN or FOXNews, it was created and geared at children. Even though we know the Disney Co. is the ultimate MK training camp, surely they would have had a ton to say about their likeness being used to warp innocent minds.

The Disney corporation initially had no public statement on the use of Mickey Mouse’s image in the Farfour character; Disney CEO Robert Iger later said, “We were appalled by the use of our character to disseminate that kind of message.” He explained the initial quiet by saying, “I just didn’t think it would have any effect… I think it should have been obvious how the company felt about the subject.”

Ha ha ha, really?! You didn’t think it would have any effect, Mr. Iger? It seems to have been doing just fine for you in the past.





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